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L and Near in Death Note seem to be this, although that information is mainly gleaned from a sequel manga chapter which may not even be canon and a spin-off novel by a different author.Jet weakly protests "I know you don't mean that, Spike!", and whether or not the crew as a whole are good for the sake of goodness or just for the cash is left ambiguous throughout. This is strictly business." (This distracts the robber - and enrages the hostage - sufficiently for him to get a clean shot off). But, we're not cops and we're not from some charity organization. Spike's reaction? "Well, that's a real shame.


Illustrated well during an early scene in the movie when a robber holds an old woman at gunpoint. The whole Cowboy Bebop crew, most of the time.The woman warriors of Claymore officially claim to be like this."I might start killing people because I feel like it again. Contrast Part-Time Hero, who is ready and willing to do heroic actions without payment - though they might not say no to money if offered - so long as they're allowed a break here and there to live a civilian life. Compare with Nominal Hero and Good is Not Nice.

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When the heroes take it a step further and actually cause the danger they're paid to neutralize, it becomes a Monster Protection Racket. May overlap with I Was Just Passing Through. Should not be confused with a hero smashing his alarm clock. Only in It for the Money is a Sub-Trope, as is Not in This for Your Revolution. When things really come to a head and profit goes against morality, a hero of this sort will likely either show their better nature and find something greater and worth fighting for, or prove how circumstantial their heroism was and how easily fate can turn them to evil. This can be seen as a Sub-Trope of the Nominal Hero which doesn't do good out of heroic intentions with this case being for profit. If the culture becomes toxic, the heroic character can become a Punch-Clock Villain. Compare Heroic Neutral, where the heroic character wants to be left alone and only allies with a group (usually the heroes) when their isolation is threatened by an outside source. This is usually what happens when a hero is True Neutral. In other cases, he gets involved only because he has bills to pay. In some cases, he is destined to do so but refused the call, only to find out that You Can't Fight Fate. He's only going against the Big Bad because he has to. The Punch-Clock Hero isn't fighting for peace, revenge, or because it's the right thing to do.

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